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- 高雄長庚紀念醫院胃腸肝膽科系助理教授級主治醫師
- 高雄長庚紀念醫院PGY1內科臨床教師
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- 日本東京國立癌病中心中央病院研修
- 日本福岡大學筑紫病院短期研修
- 高雄長庚醫院 胃腸肝膽科系主治醫師
- 縣立鳳山醫院委託高雄長庚醫院經營 胃腸肝膽科主治醫師
- 樹人醫護管理專科學校 兼任講師
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- 台灣內科醫學會內科專科醫師及指導醫師
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- 中華民國醫用超音波學會超音波專業醫師
- 台灣醫學教育學會一般醫學師資
- Chou YP*, Tai WC, Lu LS, Yao CC, Wu KL, Chuah SK, Lin CY. Endoscopic submucosal dissection and radiofrequency ablation for patients with flat-type esophageal squamous cell neoplasia. Adv Dig Med. 2022 Sep; 9(3): 153-160. (台灣消化醫學雜誌)
平坦型食道麟狀細胞腫瘤(ESCN)患者內視鏡粘膜下剝離術(ESD)與射頻消融(RFA)治療療效的比較:單一醫療中心的經驗 - Chen CY, Chen JS(co-first), Chou YP(co-first), Kuo YB, Fan CW, Chan EC*. Antibody against N-terminal domain of phospholipid scramblase 1 induces apoptosis in colorectal cancer cells through the intrinsic apoptotic pathway. Chem Biol Drug Des. 2014 Jul;84(1):36-43. (SCI)
- Chou YP*, Yao Kenshi , Chuah SK, Huang SC, Wu KL. Endoscopic features of early gastric signetring cell carcinoma by high-resolution magnifying endoscopy with narrow-band imaging:Report of a case. Gastroenterol J Taiwan; 2012 March; 29(1): 50-54.
- Chen JS, Kuo YB(co-first), Chou YP(co-first), Chan CC(co-first), Fan CW, Chen KT, Huang YS, Chan EC*. Detection of autoantibodies against Rabphilin-3A-like protein as a potential biomarker in patient's sera of colorectal cancer. Clin Chim Acta. 2011 Jul 15;412(15-16):1417-22. (SCI)
- Chen JS, Chou YP(co-first), Chen KT(co-first), Hung RP(co-first), Yu JS, Chang YS, Chan EC*. Detection of annexin A autoantibodies in sera from colorectal cancer patients. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2011 Feb;45(2):125-32. (SCI)
- Chou YP, Saito Y*, Matsuda T, Nakajima T, Mashimo Y, Moriya Y, Shimoda T. Novel diagnostic methods for early-stage squamous cell carcinoma of the anal canal successfully resected by endoscopic submucosal dissection. Endoscopy. 2009;41 Suppl 2:E283-5. (SCI)
- Chou YP, Lin JW, Wang CC, Chiu YC, Huang CC, Chuah SK, Tai MH, Yi LN, Lee CM, Changchien CS, Hu TH*. The abnormalities in the p53/p21WAF1 pathway have a significant role in the pathogenesis and progression of gastrointestinal stromal tumors. Oncol Rep. 2008 Jan;19(1):49-56. (SCI)
- Chou YP, Changchien CS, Chiu KW, Kuo CM, Kuo FY, Kuo CH*. Salmonellosis with liver abscess mimicking hepatocellular carcinoma in a diabetic and cirrhotic patient: a case report and review of the literature. Liver Int. 2006 May;26(4):498-501. (SCI)
- Chou YP, Lee PL, Cheng YF, Lu SN, Changchien CS, Wang JH*. Fatal arterioportal shunting in a case of hepato-cellular carcinoma with spontaneous partial recression of malignant portal vein thrombosis. Gastroenterol J Taiwan 2003 December; 20(4): 245-251.
- Chou YP, Changchin CS, Chuah SK*, Chiu YC, Chiu KW, Kuo CH, Hsu CC, Lu SN. Risk factors for mortality of esophageal perforation: a clinical experience in 32 cases. J Intern Med Taiwan 2002 Oct;13(5):256-62.
- Chou YP*, Tai WC, Lu LS, Yao CC, Wu KL, Chuah SK, Lin CY. Endoscopic submucosal dissection and radiofrequency ablation for patients with flat-type esophageal squamous cell neoplasia. Adv Dig Med. 2022 Sep; 9(3): 153-160. (台灣消化醫學雜誌)