Managing lower extremity muscle tone and function in children with cerebral palsy via eight-week repetitive passive knee movement intervention. Research in Developmental Disabilities 2013;34(1):554-561 Hsin-Yi Kathy Cheng, Yan-Ying Ju, Chia-Ling Chen, Ya-Ju Chang, Alice May-Kuen Wong
Application of Digital Volume Pulse Analysis in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury Taiwan Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2012;40(4):189-196 Wei-Lun Tsai, Alice May-Kuen Wong, Yu-Cheng Pei, Yu-Ru Lin, Yu-Hsin Liao, Shu-Chun Huang
Effect of Using Wii Fit for Center of Pressure Visual Feed-back Training on the Anticipatory Postural Adjustments in Children with Typical Development Journal of Physical Therapy Association of the R.O.C. Wen-Yu Liu, Hen-Yu Lien, Alice May-Kuen Wong, Yi-Ju Tsai, Yio-Wha Shau, Chih-Chin Hsu